Is There A Benefit To A Separate Diet

Is There A Benefit To A Separate Diet
Is There A Benefit To A Separate Diet

Separate meals are very modern. His supporters claim that it helps us lose weight and heal. However, experts are skeptical of such an opinion.

According to many of them, a separate diet is not a panacea. They claim that the process of digestion depends not so much on the combinations as on the amount of food eaten and the individual characteristics of the body.

The author of the concept of separate eating is Herbert Shelton. He devoted 40 years of his life to the study of diet and orotrophy. This is the science of proper nutrition.

His book, The Right Food Combinations, was first published in 1928, but is still very popular today.

According to the author, the ingestion of incompatible products does not allow them to be absorbed normally. He explains this with the fact that each food requires certain substances and conditions for absorption, which are often opposite to each other.

However, many nutritionists disagree with this view. They consider it incorrect to speak of a process of "rotting" in the stomach of a healthy person, as Shelton claims.

According to them, he is also wrong when he says that fats and carbohydrates lie in the stomach like a dead load that cannot be processed there. They simply move away from it with the help of strong muscular contractions of the stomach, which experts figuratively call "cleaners".

Shelton insists that people do not suffer from allergies, but because they do not digest one or another food. However, science claims that this is not true - allergy is an immune disease caused by the appearance of histamine in the blood in response to allergens, which is not related to diet.

Is there a benefit to a separate diet
Is there a benefit to a separate diet

According to Shelton, the absorption of carbohydrates and fats requires an alkaline environment, and proteins - an acidic environment, and therefore the simultaneous use of different products leads to putrefaction and fermentation in the stomach.

In practice, the process of digestion is much more complex and different enzyme systems operate in different areas - saliva, gastric and intestinal juice, bile and others.

The absorption of the various components of food is divided in the digestive tract - both in space and in time. That is why the "sentence" of traditional nutritionists is: a separate diet is not curative, we read in the "Weekend" newspaper.

There are no physiological justifications for it. Evolution itself has prepared the human digestive tract for a mixed diet. There are very few "pure" products in nature - such as salt and sugar. Everything else is a combination of proteins, fats, acids, etc.
