Spices With Antioxidant Properties

Spices With Antioxidant Properties
Spices With Antioxidant Properties

Oregano is one of the spices that contain the most antioxidants - substances that fight free radicals and prevent aging.

One gram of oregano equals almost thirty grams of most culinary spices. Oregano is used in soups, meat dishes, pizzas and pasta.

To give your tomato soup a delicate delicate aroma, add three-quarters teaspoon of oregano to every two servings of soup. One teaspoon of dried oregano is equal to two teaspoons of fresh oregano.

Oregano is an ideal addition to pizza and pasta sauces. For maximum effect, add half a teaspoon of oregano to four hundred and fifty grams of sauce.

Garlic is also a spice with many antioxidant properties. It disrupts the metabolism of malignant cells. It is enough to consume one or two cloves of garlic a week to protect yourself from malignant diseases.

Cayenne pepper
Cayenne pepper

Garlic releases its fragrant volatile substances only when chopped. Cut it into small pieces and fry it over low heat. Add it to soups, dishes and sauces.

Garlic gives a wonderful taste to the pasta. Add the chopped fried garlic with grated parmesan to any type of pasta and it will completely change its taste.

Hot pepper contains the substance capsaicin, which actually makes it so hot. This is the reason for the antioxidant effect of hot pepper.

To soften the taste of hot pepper a bit, mix a teaspoon and a half of crushed or chopped pepper with half a teaspoon of paprika and add to your favorite dishes.
