The Healing Properties Of Spices

The Healing Properties Of Spices
The Healing Properties Of Spices

The spices that we use daily in the household have healing properties. They replenish the body with nutrients.

With magnesium deficiency, a person feels tired and easily irritated. There is a sensation of daggers in the fingers and toes. He suffers from internal anxiety, heart rhythm disturbances, migraine symptoms develop, and hair loss can occur. The largest amount of magnesium is found in dill, cumin, mustard seeds and coriander.

In case of potassium deficiency a person has memory disorders, his wounds

it is difficult to heal, it gets a feeling of itchy skin as if it is not nice, caries develops, the limbs freeze and there is an effect of self-doubt. Chili is high in potassium.

Lack of calcium leads to diseases of the teeth and bones. This element is necessary so as not to destroy the nervous system and muscles. Calcium can be obtained by using spices - cumin, coriander and cloves.

Iron deficiency leads to characteristic weakness and pallor. These are signs of anemia. The largest amount of iron is in cumin, turmeric, saffron, cinnamon.

Benefits of Spices
Benefits of Spices

Iodine deficiency leads to thyroid disease. To avoid such complications, we can use more turmeric in our diet. It is used to prevent this type of disease.

Vitamin C deficiency lowers performance and leads to bleeding and tooth loss. Chili contains two to five times more vitamin C than lemon. Only cloves and ginger can compete with chili in terms of quantity and concentration of vitamins.

Vitamin B1 deficiency leads to nerve disorders. This vitamin is very important for the proper absorption of carbohydrates. Its concentration is highest in the mustard seeds.

Vitamin B2 deficiency leads to inflammation of the mucous membranes and eyes. The processes of blood production are disturbed. A large amount is contained in saffron, chili and dill.

Vitamin A deficiency is manifested by dry eyes and decreased vision. This vitamin is important for the process of growth and physical development. Its content is highest in cloves and cinnamon.
