Proper Nutrition For Better Hydration Of The Limbs

Proper Nutrition For Better Hydration Of The Limbs
Proper Nutrition For Better Hydration Of The Limbs

Proper nutrition or more healthy eating maintains good health, good shape, but is also very important for proper irrigation of the brain and limbs.

But how do we know that our blood supply has worsened? You can't go wrong - poor blood circulation is characterized by cold limbs (arms and legs), as well as cold ears and nose.

To prevent bad dew:

• eat more fruits and vegetables, preferably seasonal and raw;

• season dishes that allow seasoning with ginger, cayenne pepper or black pepper;

• balance your diet by giving your body enough protein, carbohydrates, fats that your body needs to be healthy;

• Drink more fluids. At least 2 liters of water per day, but with more physical activity increase water intake to 3 liters (when it is hot and sports). This includes natural juices and tea in addition to water.

Not recommended:

▪ salt and sweets - Minimize or stop eating salt and desserts. Sodium and glucose are the first enemies of poor blood circulation, so it is very important to reduce or stop their intake;

▪ alcohol, soft drinks and coffee are not recommended, as they adversely affect blood circulation and cause poor blood circulation;

▪ do not follow a protein regimen. The protein regime does not supply the body with other useful substances than proteins and this has the opposite effect (not a positive one).

Other tips for good limb irrigation

- use socks to sprinkle the limbs, etc. holiday socks or other therapeutic socks;

- When you have the opportunity and you are in a sitting position, lift your legs up. The idea of this is that the position of the legs should be at or above the level of the heart.
