How To Refuse Sugar According To What Type Of Person You Are?

How To Refuse Sugar According To What Type Of Person You Are?
How To Refuse Sugar According To What Type Of Person You Are?

A diet high in sugar often associated with problems such as heart disease or obesity. And when it comes to interrupting or giving up sweets, there's a way to tip the scales in your favor with a plan designed specifically for your personality type.

Type 1: You like to plan

To give up sweets completely, can be difficult to achieve because sugar is hidden behind more than 60 names - from the usual (caramel, brown sugar) to the more disguised (dextran). Finding out exactly what you can or can't eat is difficult, especially if you're eating on foot, says Eve Schaub, author of Year of No Sugar. Here comes the turn of your nature on a good glider. Schaub recommends that we bring something light to eat that we can reach for when we are very hungry. I am the type of person who, if he gets hungry, loses all willpower. Planning was my secret to success, she says. It is good to always have snacks in us without sugar, for example fruit and nut bars, tangerines, bananas, pre-peeled boiled eggs or pieces of cheese.

Type 2: You are impulsive

How to refuse sugar according to what type of person you are?
How to refuse sugar according to what type of person you are?

Allowing external factors to influence our eating habits happens to many of us, even some doctors. As a wellness and life coach, she even notices that she often dreams of a piece of carrot cake even when she is not really hungry. When she took the time to explore why she really wanted the treat, she realized that actually buying a piece of cake was more of a reflex in response to stress. This discovery was, in fact, key and helped her break off the relationship stress-craving for sugar. When you feel the need to dive into a box of cookies, your first action should be to simply stop. Then ask yourself: Why do I want it? Sadness, boredom or laziness makes me eat sweets? Unravel basically your desire to consume sugar and try to understand where it comes from and what it is trying to solve. she says. A clear realization that the need for sweets does not come from hunger can help you plan better ways to deal with it. It's a good idea to come up with different behavioral strategies, such as calling or writing to someone when you need to relieve stress, or making a diary to express your emotions easily.

Type 3: You have a habit of giving up when something becomes difficult

To stop the sugar, does not automatically mean that you have to snatch it from your life forever - especially if you have an affinity for sweets. There is a place and time for it. I recommend that everyone have a "deliberate indulgence," says Brooke Alpert, author of The Diet Detox. Once a week, plan to eat something you really love (a little cupcake, a scoop of ice cream) with absolutely no guilt. This planned pampering can really help you generally eat less sugar. When we feel guilty, we often think we have "ruined the day" and abandon our original healthy eating plan, which can lead to even more eating biscuits or candy (and then promising to stop sugaring again). from next week). Studies also show that the restrictions we impose on ourselves often lead to an excessive desire for forbidden foods (such as chocolate) and can prevent us from losing weight.

Type 4: You have "all or nothing" behavior

How to refuse sugar according to what type of person you are?
How to refuse sugar according to what type of person you are?

If you only eat a few M & Ms candies, do you want the whole package? If you keep ice cream on a stick in the fridge, is it too hard for you to resist? If you prefer desserts to be outside rather than in your own house, you may be the "all or nothing" type of person when it comes to sugar. So, while it's a smart decision to empty the cupboards at home of sweet things, you may need to do something more drastic. During this withdrawal period, you may also need to stop eating fruit, says Alpert. Fruit sugar intake can provoke overeating with jam in some people. While sugar addiction not be controlled and do not reduce excessive cravings for sweets, we must be stricter to all foods that contain natural or added sugar.

Type 5: You prefer nutritious things

Not only does sugar hide in unexpected places (salad dressings, sauces, semi-finished frozen foods), but it is also concentrated in some high-carbohydrate foods such as bread or pizza. This means that you may be addicted to sugar without even knowing it. The desire for french fries or pizza is also a desire for sugar, but in a variant of nutritious foods with a rich taste - says Alpert - But why? They break down and are absorbed quickly, causing a rise in blood sugar and then a drop. Everything that causes such ups and downs intensifies sugar addiction. Eliminate simple carbohydrates from your diet. For a successful outcome, you must practice awareness. Know that carbohydrates (such as pizza, crackers, white bread), as well as french fries are actually sugar. If you have a strong desire for high-carbohydrate foods (pancakes, waffles) for breakfast, this is another symptom that you may have an addiction to sugar. Recognizing and then restricting these foods is the only way to end this addiction.
