Genghis Khan Tea - Recipe

Genghis Khan Tea - Recipe
Genghis Khan Tea - Recipe

It is said that those who drink this tea retain steel nerves, and their lives seem joyful and meaningful. See how to make the healing tea of Genghis Khan.

As it is known, Genghis Khan and his army conquered almost half the world. The long and tedious journeys, together with the fierce battles, of course exhaust the forces of the Khan's wars.

But how do they manage to maintain strength and nervous balance? It turns out that Genghis Khan ordered his horde to drink special tea, which helped preserve the health and inner peace of the wars.

Genghis Khan's tea
Genghis Khan's tea

This one medicinal tea consists of equal parts oregano, St. John's wort and mint.

Mix 1 tbsp. overflowing oregano, 1 tbsp. overflowing St. John's wort and 1 tbsp. overflowing mint.

Mix all this mixture, then take 1 tbsp. of it and pour into 1 liter of boiling water, let stand for 15-20 minutes. Drink the tea without straining it, let the herbs stay in it until the very end of drinking the liquid.

Genghis Khan
Genghis Khan

The healing tea of Genghis Khan it should be drunk regularly - it has great power. If you drink it in the winter, then in the spring you will feel how your nerves recover and your brain works energetically and stably. Drinking this tea will minimize the risk of stroke and heart attack.

Interestingly, the founder of the Mongol Empire, Genghis Khan, possessed incredible energy and strength, which he showed on the battlefield. Moreover, he had a harem of 2,000 concubines, and even after a whole night with a woman, the captain went to battle.
