Bakopa Monieri - The Rival Of Ginkgo Biloba

Bakopa Monieri - The Rival Of Ginkgo Biloba
Bakopa Monieri - The Rival Of Ginkgo Biloba

Ginkgo biloba is the most popular herb used to improve memory and concentration. Its use has been shown to increase the ability to learn. Its properties are scientifically proven and indisputable. Recently, however, another herb was discovered that could stand next to ginkgo biloba. This is bakopa monieri.

Bakopa monieri is a creeping, perennial plant. In his homeland, India, he is better known as Bahmi. It can also be found in Vietnam, Sri Lanka, China and others.

Some of the properties of the new herb have been proven, while others are still being studied. The properties that successfully compete with those of ginkgo biloba are not only improving the functions of the brain and memory, but also strengthening the nervous tissue and slowing down the aging process.

The plant owes all its positives to the ingredients that are found in it. In the largest quantities these are alkaloids, saponins and flavonoids. Traces of a number of other useful elements are also found.

Steroid saponins are the ingredients responsible for how a plant acts on the nervous system. It is the effect that bakopa monieri has on the psyche that is of interest to scientists. A number of experiments have been performed on animals fed with plant extract.

The results show an improvement in learning information, memorization, and a slow loss of this newly acquired behavior. Despite the observed improvements, however, how they occur is still unclear.

Bakopa monieri tea
Bakopa monieri tea

During the experiments it became clear that bacopa monieri may have some other actions, such as sedative, antidepressant, anti-inflammatory and adaptogenic effect. It also has the ability in some cases to dilate blood vessels and improve blood circulation to nerve tissue. Interestingly, this is one of the few plants that improve secondary memory.

The herb bakopa monieri has been used for thousands of years in Indian folk medicine Ayurveda. It is actively used as a sedative, in inflammation, to relieve the symptoms of asthma and epilepsy.

Bakopa monieri is one of the main alternatives to traditional medicine in relation to the growing percentage of neurodegenerative diseases. It can be used to create a number of tools to improve memory, brain and nervous system, as long as it proves its indisputable qualities.

Ayurveda has been convinced of them for thousands of years and places brahmas in the "medhyarasayanas" group - the one responsible for improving memory and restoring cognitive functions in diseases of the central nervous system. Present in all folk recipes to improve brain function.
