Bakopa Monieri For Stress And Insomnia

Bakopa Monieri For Stress And Insomnia
Bakopa Monieri For Stress And Insomnia

The herb bakopa monieri (brahmi) is not very popular in our country. Her homeland is India. It can also be found in Sri Lanka, China, Taiwan, as well as in Hawaii, Florida and the southern states. In our latitudes it is mostly available in the form of capsules with synthesized extract.

Bakopa monia extract is mainly used for relaxation, as it successfully fights stress. It also cures insomnia. The concentration and memory of the individual are supported.

Bakopa monieri is one of the few herbs whose properties are similar to those of ginkgo biloba. Its intake protects against harmful free radicals, while calming the nerves. It also has the property of slowing down the aging process.

The herb is extracted from the plant Bacopa monnieri. It is a perennial, creeping plant, inhabiting mostly swampy and very humid areas.

The plant Centella asiatica, given to it in India, is also called brahmi. Therefore, when buying the product you should pay attention to the Latin name of the extract.

Bakopa monieri
Bakopa monieri

Bacopa moniera extract contains many active alkaloids, saponins, flavonoids and others. This makes the hitherto unknown plant a potential medicinal product against all sorts of neurodegenerative diseases. This is due to its ability to improve the functioning of the nervous system, brain and memory.

The plant is best known in Indian traditional medicine Ayurveda. According to her, this herb belongs to the group "medhyarasayanas" - the one responsible for improving brain activity, memory and cognitive functions in all diseases of the central nervous system.

Indian folk medicine also uses it to relieve epilepsy and asthma, pain, fever and as a natural sedative. It is recommended especially for the elderly, to improve memory, memory, stress and insomnia.

Despite the many benefits of taking bacopa moniera extract, it should not be taken without medical supervision. The ailments it can cause are only gastrointestinal. They are expressed in stomach discomfort, in the form of cramps, nausea and frequent bowel movements.
