Every Diabetic Should Know This About Carbohydrates

Every Diabetic Should Know This About Carbohydrates
Every Diabetic Should Know This About Carbohydrates

Diabetes imposes a number of dietary restrictions. It is extremely important for every diabetic how much carbohydrate he will take daily, because it is essential for his health. Foods containing carbohydrates must be known and carefully dosed.

Proper carbohydrate supply to the body is essential for controlling blood sugar. Every diabetic knows that the intake of carbohydrates increases its level. The fact is, however, that they are extremely important for the supply of energy to the body, so their intake cannot be stopped.

The key is in the right balance between carbohydrate intake and deprivation. It is achieved by everyone with such a diagnosis studying the characteristics of their disease - what type it is, what is its daily physical activity and what are the prescribed medications.


In recent years, a number of leading Western scientists have advised a daily intake of carbohydrates in the range of 40 to 60 grams. However, before deciding on such an intake, consultation with a nutritionist is mandatory. Knowing how much carbohydrate you can eat, you need to decide what products and how many portions to consume.

Carbohydrates are found even in vegetables, especially those that contain starch. Rich in these substances are bread, rice, muesli. This group includes fruits, juices. Also rich in carbohydrates are legumes, soybeans, peas. Due to their sugar content, the foods to be careful with are also cakes, candies, carbonated drinks, etc.

It is a complete misconception that diabetics should not eat bread. The amount of carbohydrates does not depend on the volume of a product. This requires careful monitoring of the total content of each product. For example, when looking at a label, know that the carbohydrate content includes sugars, starch and fiber.


When calculating the amount of carbohydrates per meal, the other essential nutrients that are ingested should also be taken into account. Protein and fat balance the absorption of carbohydrates and the release of sugar into the blood.
