Storage Of Roasted Peppers

Storage Of Roasted Peppers
Storage Of Roasted Peppers

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Roasted peppers can be put for the winter in the freezer or, if you prefer, in jars. To freeze peppers in the freezer, all you need are bags to place them. If you prefer any boxes, it is also a good option.

Roast the peppers, then leave them to cool. Arrange them unpeeled in suitable envelopes and refrigerate for about 4-5 hours to allow them to cool and not collect much ice later in the freezer.

Then arrange them at sub-zero temperatures - 10-15 pieces in a bag or less - according to your preferences. It is better to remove the stalk and seeds before putting them to bake, as it becomes easier. Thus frozen peppers can last a long time in the freezer.

Of course, you can also not remove the seeds and stalks - if you bake them in a pepper pot, it will be easier to remove them if they have stalks. In addition, if you wish, you could peel them in advance - this will make it easier for you in the winter when you decide to cook them.

Roasted pepper in jars
Roasted pepper in jars

For easier peeling, it is necessary, by removing the pepper, to put it in a pot with a lid or a plastic bag. Then you will peel the peppers very quickly and easily.

If you do not have room for such a thing, you can put the roasted peppers in jars in the cellar. Peel the peppers from the stalks and seeds, roast them and, still hot and unpeeled, arrange them in a compote jar - tightly on top of each other.

Squeeze them so that there is not much air left in the jar. Add salt and 2 aspirins on top. Seal with a cap and turn the jar upside down. So it stays until it cools down - the peppers make their own sauce and you don't need to add liquid.

Then store in a cool, dark place. This type of canning peppers stores them very well and once you open one of the jars in the winter, you will see how fragile and as if they have just been baked.

We offer you a recipe for roasted pepper pickles - in winter it is a ready-made, almost flavored salad. All you have to do is add a little onion and salt if needed. Here is the recipe:

Roasted peppers in jars
Roasted peppers in jars

Roasted pepper - pickles

Necessary products: for 10 kg of pepper - 1 teaspoon of sugar, oil and vinegar, black peppercorns, garlic to taste, parsley if desired and ½ teaspoon of salt

Method of preparation: Wash the peppers, then remove the stalks and seeds. Bake them evenly and close them in a saucepan to peel them more easily afterwards. The remaining products - oil, vinegar, sugar, salt are mixed in a suitable bowl.

After we have peeled the pepper, dip each of the peppers in the mixture and arrange in a jar. After arranging the pepper, add a few cloves of garlic, parsley and a few grains of black pepper. The pickle is sterilized for about 8 minutes after the water has boiled.

You can store roasted peppers in the refrigerator, but for about a week. If the peppers are peeled, leave them in fat (oil or olive oil) and keep them in a closed container.
