Roasted Or Raw Nuts?

Roasted Or Raw Nuts?
Roasted Or Raw Nuts?

Nuts are extremely healthy. They are also the perfect snack that will provide you with all the necessary substances - vitamins, minerals, fats, vegetable proteins and the right dose of carbohydrates. Everyone loves nuts!! Well, not everyone loves them raw, however.

On October 22, the day the United States celebrates Nut Day, let's talk a little more about the benefits of roasted and raw nuts.

How are they more useful? Roasted or raw?

The nuts they are actually baked to improve their taste and texture. The idea is to make them crispier and saltier. The truth is that both baked, and raw nuts contain healthy substances.

However, the way we bake them is important. In case we taste them and bake them without fat, then their calories and substances in them do not change much. However, when we use oil for baking, their energy value jumps significantly!

Temperature is also important. When we roast the nuts at a high temperature, the fat in them changes its properties. Namely, they are the most useful part of them. It is important to roast the nuts at home. This allows you to control the degree to which the process takes place. Bake them for about 10 minutes on low heat.

mix nuts
mix nuts

Some other substances are also lost in the preparation of raw nuts. Vitamin E, magnesium and phosphorus are among them. The reason - they are sensitive to heat. However, again, as with fat - how it will be converted and how many of the minerals and vitamins will be lost during baking - it all depends on the temperature!

Raw nuts, in turn, can be contaminated with bacteria or fungi. We have all seen the conditions under which they are stored in the markets - everyone touches them. We can only imagine what happened before. And since we don't know, this is a good reason to go through at least a light heat treatment.

What nuts to eat - roasted or raw nuts? You must be confused. The truth is that you can eat both types. Both baked and raw contain useful substances.

Remember - buy nuts from reliable sources that store them well if you plan to eat them raw. And if you like them baked - do not oversalt them and process them at a lower temperature.
