Natural Gifts For Healthy Teeth

Natural Gifts For Healthy Teeth
Natural Gifts For Healthy Teeth

To have healthy teeth and keep your mouth healthy, your diet and how often you eat are very important factors.

Changes in the oral cavity begin minutes after taking certain foods. Bacteria in the mouth convert sugar from the food we eat into acids, and they in turn begin to attack tooth enamel and cause a decay process.

The best foods for healthy teeth are cheese, chicken and other meats, nuts and milk. It is believed that these foods protect tooth enamel by providing the body with calcium and phosphorus, so necessary for remineralization of teeth.

Other food choices include crunchy fruits and vegetables. For example, apples and pears, they are high in water, which dilutes the effect of sugars contained in them and stimulates the production of saliva. It helps protect against tooth decay by washing away food particles and buffer acid.

Acidic foods, such as lemons, grapefruit, tomatoes and citrus fruits, should be consumed as part of a larger diet to minimize their acidic effects. The best drinks can be defined as water (especially flora), milk and unsweetened tea.

Another choice of natural gifts for healthy teeth are:

Celery. When you chew celery, it helps reproduce large amounts of saliva, which neutralizes bacteria in the oral cavity. It is also a natural abrasive that is good for the gums and cleans teeth.

Green tea. Green tea contains substances called catechins, which kill bacteria in the mouth that turn sugar into plaque. Catechins also kill bacteria that cause bad breath.

Kiwi. It contains more vitamin C than any other fruit. If you don't get enough vitamin C, research shows that the collagen network in your gums can break down, making your gums more susceptible to the bacteria that cause periodontitis.

Onions and parsley. Onions contain powerful antibacterial sulfur compounds, and parsley is amazing for fighting bad breath.

Sesame. According to fossils, it turns out that our ancestors had large teeth. Anthropologists suggest that this is partly due to primitive foods such as seeds, which peeled off the plaque and helped build tooth enamel.

Sesame seeds, for example, are also high in calcium, which helps preserve bone around teeth and gums.
