Do You Think You Are Cooking Properly? Think Again

Do You Think You Are Cooking Properly? Think Again
Do You Think You Are Cooking Properly? Think Again

In the dishes we prepare, the nutrients and vitamins from the used products must be preserved. Of great importance for this is the technology we use for cooking, as well as air, heat and water.

To preserve the nutritional value and freshness of the products, it is especially important to protect them from oxidation. Oxidation affects the color, reduces the vitamin composition (vitamin C), changes the fat. Oxidation of food kept at room temperature is accelerated. They lose nutrients faster than refrigerated foods.

Water is very important for cooking. The products are washed with water, boiled in water. When boiled, many nutrients dissolve in water.

Cooking temperature has a different effect on the composition of food products: protein substances are crossed, starch-type carbohydrates swell, cellulose softens, the color and taste of products change.

In order not to spoil the products and not to deteriorate their qualities, as well as to preserve the nutrients, flavors and aromatic substances in the prepared dishes, experience and knowledge are required, and some requirements must be met.

Vegetables and fruits are preserved if stored in a dark and cool place at a temperature of 2-3 degrees and normal relative humidity. They should be washed quickly under running water without soaking in water.

Cleaning, cutting and washing of fruits and vegetables must be carried out immediately before heat treatment, observing the following requirements:

- Potatoes and carrots are washed in advance with a brush under running water;

- Vegetables and fruits are peeled with a stainless steel knife;


- Vegetables for salads are cut before serving;

- When cooking, fruits and vegetables should be put in boiling water so as not to destroy the vitamins. For the same reasons for kitchen processing, the best dishes are enameled, glass and stainless steel;

- When cooking, the dishes should be tightly closed with lids, and the free space between the lid and the liquid should be 2-3 fingers.

- Blanching fruits and vegetables reduces their nutrients and vitamins;

- Vegetables and fruits are boiled in liquid or steamed, baked, stewed, etc.

Today, foreign technological methods, such as frying, have entered the modern native kitchen. The preparation of soups and dishes with stir-fries is typical of oriental cuisine. Slings have a severe and harmful effect on the digestive system, so in modern nutrition science is not recommended for use in cooking.

Vegetable and fruit dishes should be prepared immediately before consumption. Heating them completely destroys the vitamins in them. The vitamins in fruits and vegetables are also destroyed when baking soda or baking powder is used for their processing.

Spices, butter and juices are placed at the end of cooking to preserve their vitamin composition.
