Do You Know Everything About Fruits? Think Again

Do You Know Everything About Fruits? Think Again
Do You Know Everything About Fruits? Think Again

Fruits and vegetables are among the most commonly used foods in our daily lives, but there are things that are good to know not only as useful and interesting, but also as life-saving information.

1. Strawberries are the only fruit whose seeds are not inside it, but are located on its surface.

2. Half a grapefruit can provide you with 100 percent of the required dose of vitamin C for the whole day. However, it is recommended that when you are sick to get vitamin C in another way, because in combination with certain medications, grapefruit becomes dangerous and can even be fatal.

3. Apples do not contain caffeine, but eating an apple in the morning affects the body in the same way as a cup of coffee.

4. The popular and so popular milk-citrus smoothies lead to heartburn. Milk is generally a product that makes digestion difficult and breaks down more slowly, and when mixed with citrus it crosses into the stomach due to its high acidity and leads to the formation of acids and gases. The same happens when combining yogurt with fruit.

5. Avocado is a fruit, but it does not actually contain sugar.


6. If you put grapes in the microwave, it will explode immediately.

7. The most used fruit in the world is the tomato. You read that right - tomatoes are not really a vegetable.

8. In case of calcium deficiency in your body, it is not necessary to turn immediately to milk and dairy products. There is exactly as much calcium in a glass of dried figs as there is in the same amount of milk.

They are extremely tasty and useful, but you should still be careful with their use, because in addition to calcium, they also contain a lot of sugar and a large amount of calories.
