These Mutant Pigs Will Make You Think About The Meat You Eat

These Mutant Pigs Will Make You Think About The Meat You Eat
These Mutant Pigs Will Make You Think About The Meat You Eat

Pictures of pigs, which look more like well-trained bodybuilders, shocked the whole world. The animals are raised by a pig farm in Cambodia.

No sense in asking if these pigs are mutants, because the pictures give them a clear answer. They are reminiscent of sinister comic book characters, not the pigs your grandparents watched in the countryside.

However, the question remains how the pig farm in Cambodia managed to change the species of animals in this way.

According to the animal rights organization PETA, this happened only with genetic intervention. And although they do not have definite evidence for their claim, the photos are indicative enough for them.

Dr. Jin-Soo Kim of Seoul University adds that otherwise cute-looking animals can look like real villains with changes in their genetics that last for decades and apply to each succeeding generation.

The piglets do not look at all normal, and both the photos and the video, which was published on the Internet, angered environmentalists and made many people think about how to get the meat they put on their table.
