Eat More Fish For Colds And Flu

Video: Eat More Fish For Colds And Flu

Video: Eat More Fish For Colds And Flu
Video: What to Eat When You Have a Cold 2024, September
Eat More Fish For Colds And Flu
Eat More Fish For Colds And Flu

Annoying colds can be easily overcome with several food combinations, which are not only delicious but also terribly useful for the weakened body.

The common cold or flu can catch up with us even if we eat well. Then, in addition to shock doses of vitamin C, it is extremely useful to increase protein intake through food. The best option is to get most of your protein by eating fish and seafood.

Of course, ordinary meat also has a beneficial effect, but it is better to be leaner, such as beef and chicken. The impact of daily food intake on the body's resistance to infections is extremely large, but unfortunately it is often underestimated as a factor.

That is why a sudden change in diet when we go on a diet in order to lose weight can increase the vulnerability to colds. In malnourished people, the risk of infection is higher, warns German Dr. Viktor Jarosz, who heads a clinic in Olsberg.

Diets that are based on less than 1,200 calories a day can greatly weaken the body's defenses because it does not provide enough energy. The opposite situation - overweight, is no less risky. It also increases vulnerability to infectious diseases, the expert said.

Yogurt salad
Yogurt salad

Some delicious food combinations can help us restore our body's immune system. The focus is on probiotic foods that can really help with colds.

Foods like yogurt or the many delicious fruit drinks based on yogurt that are abundant on the market are a nice helper when viruses attack us. They contain microorganisms that in active form reach the intestines and have a healthy effect there.

In reality, they do not cure colds, but can shorten the duration and reduce complaints. It is also recommended to consume at least five servings of fruits and vegetables a day, along with products containing yogurt, lean meat, oily fish and whole grains.
