Babako - An Unknown Exotic

Babako - An Unknown Exotic
Babako - An Unknown Exotic

Babako is a fruit of the papaya family. It is most commonly found in the highlands of Ecuador, as well as in small quantities in New Zealand and Australia, and in other countries the fruit is grown in greenhouses.

In fact, Babako is a natural hybrid of mountain papaya. They are long yellow fruits with a length of no more than 50 cm and a thickness of about 10-15 cm and can weigh up to 2 kg, although the most common weigh about 600 g to a kilogram. The interesting thing about this fruit, apart from its shape and appearance, is that it does not contain seeds.

Babako tastes like pineapple, kiwi and has a slight citrus notes, which makes its taste unique. The fruit is considered delicate, so its transportation must be careful and not over long distances, which would contribute to its damage and injury.

Babako's structure includes the enzyme papain, which aids in the breakdown and absorption of proteins and stimulates digestion. It is recommended to be used in cases of intestinal problems, such as colitis and enterocolitis.

In addition, this fruit contains ascorbic acid, which increases and strengthens the immune system and helps the body resist the negative effects of viruses and infections.


The fruits are rich in vitamin A, which is good for the eyes, and the included potassium protects the cardiovascular system. Thanks to regular consumption can significantly reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke.

Delicious marmot fruit can be eaten fresh as a standalone product or in recipes with other products. The fruits are served in various culinary treatments, in the production of jams, jams, syrups, jellies and more.

Juicy Babako can be added to yogurts, ice creams and is great in fruit cakes.
