What Are The Main Diseases Of Tomatoes

What Are The Main Diseases Of Tomatoes
What Are The Main Diseases Of Tomatoes

In order to get quality production from grown tomatoes, you need to know the basics of the symptoms, development conditions and measures to combat the most important diseases in them. Here are the diseases that can affect vegetables:

1. Peak rot of tomatoes - despite the differences between varieties, this non-communicable disease depends largely on environmental factors. The water balance of the plants has the strongest influence.

2. Leaf curl on tomatoes - this disease occurs mostly in the early areas of tomato production, especially in the second half of the growing season.

3. Potato blight on tomatoes - one of the most common plant diseases in the world. It is one of the most harmful plant diseases.

4. White leaf spots on tomatoes - septoria, or leaf spot is a specific group of diseases characterized mainly by damage to the leaf mass. In not uncommon cases, however, some of them attack other parts of the plants.

5. Black bacterial scab on tomatoes - belonging to the group of bacterioses causing various spots on the fruit. Nevertheless, the pathogen attacks all parts of the plants, causing them incurable damage.

6. Leaf mold on tomatoes - occurs mainly in tomatoes grown in cultivation facilities, in areas near water basins and river valleys, where the relative humidity is high.

Red Tomatoes
Red Tomatoes

7. Bacterial drying on tomatoes - this drying is typical mainly for greenhouse crops, as well as for tomatoes from the middle early field production. It is a highly harmful disease.

8. Phytophthora rot (deer eye) on tomatoes - this so harmful disease is typical for late field production of seedless tomatoes. The manifestations of phytophthora rot depend on the age of the plants and the organs on which it develops.

The fight against these diseases is carried out by careful spraying, fertilizing and caring for tomatoes. They need mainly fertile soil and space for trouble-free development.
