What Is The Difference Between Vegetarianism And Veganism

What Is The Difference Between Vegetarianism And Veganism
What Is The Difference Between Vegetarianism And Veganism

People who do not follow such restrictions usually confuse the two concepts. Therefore, if you want to give up meat and other products, but you are not sure if you want to be vegans or vegetarians, we will help you choose by revealing details about both.

Vegetarians do not consume meat, game, fish, mussels and any meat products derived from animals. Their menu includes fruits, vegetables, grains, nuts, seeds, dairy products, beans, peas and lentils.

There are several groups of vegetarians:

Lacto-ovo vegetarians - do not eat meat, but consume dairy and egg products.

Lacto-vegetarians - do not eat meat and eggs, only dairy products.

Ovo-vegetarians - avoid all animal products except eggs.

Vegetarians eat eggs
Vegetarians eat eggs

Vegans are vegetarians who do not consume any animal products or those of animal origin. This includes honey, gelatin, whey, some forms of vitamins. Veganism is a way of life that aims to limit all forms of animal exploitation.

Both types of diets have their adherents and philosophies, according to which their followers should eat specific foods.

Vegetarians, for example, are against killing animals for food, but do not deny some that are obtained from them, such as milk and eggs, because the animals are not harmed for their production.

Vegans believe that animals have the right to freedom and are not obliged to provide people with food, clothing, entertainment, scientific experiments, etc. They are against any form of exploitation with them, because of which they give up eggs and dairy products.

Wondering which diet is healthier? Both adhere to a low content of saturated fat and cholesterol, as well as the consumption of foods high in vitamins, minerals and fiber in their composition.

Vegan menu
Vegan menu

Both include consumption of fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, whole grains and soy products. What you need to be careful about is that this diet could lead to a deficiency of iron, zinc, calcium, vitamin D, and other important substances for the body.

Some people find veganism extremely limited and difficult, but this is not the case. Among the permitted products for vegans are beans, lentils, nuts, seeds, tofu, which allows for a varied vegan menu.

A variety of vegan burgers, vegan pizzas and vegan sandwiches can easily be perfect for the regime. For a number of dishes, substitutes can easily be found to maintain their good taste. Dairy products can be replaced with vegetable milk, eggs - with tofu, and honey with molasses, maple or rice syrup. Both diets are considered healthy. Once you know the difference between veganism and vegetarianism, you can make a choice for yourself.
