The Best Food For Summer

The Best Food For Summer
The Best Food For Summer

The summer heat encourages us to eat lightly to support the proper functioning of our cardiovascular and digestive systems.

Widespread markets for farmers and producers make it easier for us to find the right foods. Here are the seasonal foods that are best for summer.

Fruits: all edible local berries - blackberries, blueberries, gooseberries, strawberries, raspberries, elderberries, artichokes, mulberries and raisins; besides them - papaya, mango, pineapple, peach, apricot, cherries; all kinds of melons, watermelons and apples.

The best food for summer
The best food for summer

Vegetables: bitter foods and herbs, spicy green plants such as mustard, watercress, cabbage; stronger green plants such as snake dock, chicory, frieze, mustard, lettuce, dandelion leaves and Latin leaves can be combined with softer ones - spinach, beets, cabbage, cauliflower, asparagus, peas, green beans, sprouted green soybeans, lentils and alfalfa; sea vegetables rich in minerals; eggplant, artichokes and onions to add variety.

Herbs and seeds: flax, garlic, ginger, paprika, ginseng, red clover, sorrel, nettle and rosemary.

The best food for summer
The best food for summer

Cereals: oats, oat bran, corn and brown rice.

Dairy products: Goat's milk and cheese.

What foods to avoid in the summer: foods that strain the heart and small intestine in the summer include alcohol, sugar and honey, foods with added chemicals, coffee, chocolate and ice cream. Avoid overeating, especially with meat, cheese and eggs.
