Viburnum For Colds And Flu

Viburnum For Colds And Flu
Viburnum For Colds And Flu

Colds and flu are the most common illnesses that occur during the changing seasons. When the summer heat gives way to cool autumn days, many people experience similar difficulties.

The most common patients are children and the elderly. It has even been proven that any periodic recurrence of the flu deprives us of one year of our lives.

This is caused by stress, inactivity, headaches, fatigue and poisoning of the body with toxic viral proteins during the period of illness.

Rapid recovery can be aided by treatment as early as possible. If you have a cold, it is best to first resort to folk remedies.

The use of strong medications at the beginning of the disease is not recommended.

One of the best remedies for colds and flu is viburnum. This shrub or tree blooms in white during May-June. In folk medicine it is used to bark from stems and branches.


It is harvested in early spring. Picking is specific. Ring-shaped incisions are made on the bark at a distance of 25-30 cm. Then they are joined with two longitudinal incisions and the bark is easily removed.

Care must be taken not to confuse it with black viburnum. Its fruits are reddish and subsequently black.

Viburnum can be found in bushes, forests and along streams throughout the country. Its bark contains tannins, the glycoside viburnum, resinous substances and phytosterols. They make it a powerful tool to fight some diseases.

Viburnum drug is most often used in pneumonia with coughs, colds and flu, to increase overall immunity.

For this purpose, a decoction of its bark is drunk. The infusion is prepared from 1 tsp. crushed bark in 250 ml of water. The decoction is boiled and drunk for one day.

Viburnum decoction is also used as a sedative, hemostatic and antihypertensive agent. In addition to lung problems, it also helps with all kinds of pain and cramps in the stomach and intestines.

Viburnum decoction is also taken for heart and kidney diseases. It acts countercurrently.
