Nutritional Values of Amaranth

Nutritional Values of Amaranth
Nutritional Values of Amaranth

Amaranth is one of the most ancient cultures known to the Aztecs. For some, its taste is not very pleasant, but the benefits of culture are worth it. In our country the only plant that resembles amaranth is sage.

Homeland amaranth is America. It is an annual plant, reaching 2 meters in height, with brightly colored dark red, through purple, orange, pink or white leaves.

The seeds are as big as a lentil berry and have a white or orange color. Known for millennia, the culture is still used today as one of the richest in nutrients.

There are different varieties of amaranth in different parts of the world. They also have different applications. Some use the leaves, others the grains, and others are grown as an ornamental plant.

Grown as a cereal, amaranth has about 17% protein. Compared to other cereals, it has three times more lysine. Its grains also contain 8% natural fats, most of which are unsaturated.

Often, amaranth is recommended to improve liver function. These properties are due to the content of sulfur-containing amino acids. They are especially important for the normal development of newborns.


Its small grains contain 57% starch, which is optimally digested by the body. This property makes this food suitable for young children and adults, as well as for people with gastrointestinal disorders.

The fact that amaranth does not contain gluten is the most positive nutritional characteristic of the plant. This feature makes it an alternative for anyone who is intolerant to gluten.

The composition of amaranth seeds contains vitamin E, which, unlike other plants, has unique antioxidant properties. It also contains calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, and fiber levels are many times higher than those in wheat.

Amaranth leaves are also loaded with positives. In fresh form they contain up to 4% protein, a lot of vitamin C, carotenoids, magnesium, potassium and calcium.
