Can Zucchini Be Canned And Dried?

Can Zucchini Be Canned And Dried?
Can Zucchini Be Canned And Dried?

Our reader asked us if it was possible to make dried zucchini. Here is our answer:

Drying vegetables works in favor of preserving and concentrating their taste. Their texture also gives an interesting flavor to the food to which they are added. Sun-dried zucchini, although not as popular as sun-dried tomatoes, are a vegetable worth trying. Drying them is not as well known as canning them, but it's really a good way to store them for the winter. Stored in this way, they retain their taste and structure.

How to dry zucchini? Just follow a few simple steps

1 Before you start drying, choose your zucchini carefully. They should be of medium size, because too large zucchini are likely to have already formed seeds.

2 Wash and clean the zucchini from their tails. Then with a sharp knife cut the zucchini into slices or slices of medium size (thicker pieces are harder to dry).

3 Blanch the zucchini so that they retain their shape and taste. As for the thickest pieces, it takes a maximum of thirty seconds.

4 After blanching the zucchini, it is good to let them drain on kitchen paper or a towel. This will remove excess water from them and make drying easier.

5 The most important moment when drying zucchini is the choice of the place where we will dry them. Choose a sunny and ventilated place. Spread the pieces well not too close together.

6 After all this preparation, you have no choice but to wait. The process takes several days.

How to preserve zucchini?

Canning zucchini is not as time consuming as drying them. For this you need suitable jars, zucchini, water and salt. After cleaning and cutting the zucchini into suitable pieces, arrange them in jars. Fill the jars with water and add a tablespoon of salt. Close the jars with the chopped zucchini tightly and place them in a container suitable for cooking jars. Boil the jars for 30 minutes.

And as you guessed, the answer to the question of whether zucchini can be dried and canned is YES!
