Beninkasa - Dried Zucchini

Beninkasa - Dried Zucchini
Beninkasa - Dried Zucchini

Benincasata originates from East Asian countries and belongs to the Pumpkin family. In appearance, this vegetable resembles a zucchini, but tastes more like a pumpkin mixed with cucumber.

It is prepared in a similar way to zucchini - fried, stuffed, in soup or in a salad, but it should be borne in mind that it is not so watery and when cooked remains much harder.

Beninkasata is planted every year, and it is good to look for a place where the plant will be able to wrap and crawl up, because it reaches a height of 6 meters. If you pluck a younger fruit, you will see that it is similar to a cucumber, but is covered with difficult to notice small hairs, which, however, are easily removed with just one rub.

Better ripe vegetables of this type are covered with a white wax coating, which keeps them healthy for a year and makes them easier to store.

The easiest way to breed Benincas from seedlings. About a month before the end of severe frosts and frosts, you can sow the seeds in buckets, and the recommended temperature to maintain is 20 degrees.


When you already have healthy and strong seedlings, know that these plants need about 1.5 meters of free distance between rows and about 70 cm between the plants themselves in a row.

Everything else related to growing it is the same as growing cucumbers or zucchini. It can be planted flat or on a tall structure and watered frequently.

It is a more resistant vegetable to water than cucumber, but still, if you want to get a quality harvest, you should not let it dry out.
