Tips For Canning Meat In Jars

Tips For Canning Meat In Jars
Tips For Canning Meat In Jars

Until recently, most Bulgarians living in the villages kept all kinds of animals. Although this has changed today, mainly because there is no such benefit in taking careless and investing a lot of money in this activity, it is always good to know how to preserve meat in jars.

You may suddenly be surprised by a relative or relative giving you half a pig, for example, or you may just come across a very good offer to buy meat and not have enough space in the freezer to be able to store it. It is in such cases that one resorts to canning it in jars, and it is not complicated at all.

That is why here we will give you some valuable tips for canning meat in jars:

- When enclosing meat in jars, always inspect it carefully. It must be completely fresh and have a fresh appearance. If you close stale meat, you risk not only getting poor quality canned food, but also getting poisoned;

- All jars, caps, dishes and utensils that you will use for canning must be well washed;

- Once you have chosen the meat to be canned, you must wash it and clean it of bones, tendons and membranes;


- If you are going to preserve minced meat, it is necessary after you have processed it in the above-described way to let it drain well and only then to grind it;

- Probably the easiest way to keep meat in jars is to salt it and fry it or fill it with fat and arrange it in jars. In this way it can be kept for 5-6 months, and it tastes like freshly cooked. Remember, however, that you must also put fat on the last layer of meat, which you will arrange in the jars, and that the jars themselves should be wrapped in paper so that no light enters them;

- When canning meat in jars, the addition of salt is mandatory because it stops the formation of microorganisms. The standard is the measure that 100 g of salt is added to 5 kg of meat;

- In some recipes it is necessary to sterilize the jars, so strictly follow the instructions. Salt is often added to the water in which closed jars of meat are sterilized.
