Gulia - A Real Treasure In The Earth

Gulia - A Real Treasure In The Earth
Gulia - A Real Treasure In The Earth

The gulia, also called the earth apple, belongs to the family of the Compositae. Its relatives are chamomile, yarrow, sunflower - all useful plant species.

In our country the goulash is not widely grown. In recent years, however, interest in it has begun to grow. This is because of the amazing benefits that this easy-to-grow plant brings.

Gulia - this treasure buried in the ground, withstands all conditions. Its homeland is North America, where it has been used for thousands of years.

A bowl of delicious root contains a bouquet of useful substances - fiber, inulin, thiamine, cholesterol, sodium, phosphorus, potassium and iron. And besides - only 100 calories, low saturated fat and low glycemic index - just the perfect combination.

Ground apple
Ground apple

The tubers of the apple are harvested in the spring, when the valuable substances from the upper part of the plant have passed into it. They can be eaten raw, baked or cooked.

The most valuable advantage of the goulash is that it survives in all weather conditions, and does not lose its ingredients for a moment. In the spring the plant blooms in beautiful yellow flowers and is often used for decoration.

One of the valuable ingredients in goulash is insulin. It is a natural polysaccharide composed of 95% fructose. Taken through the apple, this insulin acts as a prebiotic, which naturally stimulates the growth of beneficial bacteria in the intestinal flora.

Gula is one of the most common natural remedies for lowering blood sugar levels and reducing insulin doses in people with type I diabetes. Also, its composition stops the growth of various cancers and helps absorb calcium in the body. Gulli lowers triglycerides and cholesterol.

Ground apple
Ground apple

The carbohydrate composition of goulash is close to that of honey. Combined with its low caloric content, it is an easily digestible food.

Ground apple tubers, on the other hand, are a perfect means of purifying the blood, liver and kidneys. Their intake removes all accumulations, pollution and heavy metals from the body.

It regulates blood pressure and aids proper digestion. In case of a lowered immune system, folk medicine recommends gulia, as it brings the body all the necessary vitamins and minerals.
