Turnips - A Real Earthly Treasure

Turnips - A Real Earthly Treasure
Turnips - A Real Earthly Treasure

The ancient Greeks described turnips as helping digestion, and Galen recommended it as an appetite stimulant.

Turnips stimulate the secretion of gastric juice and improve digestion. The cellulose content has a beneficial effect on the intestines, increasing peristalsis and helping to expel excess cholesterol from the body, which is important for the prevention of atherosclerosis.

Black radish juice activates the liver, stimulates bile secretion - it is recommended to take diluted with water ½ an hour before eating.

Turnip juice stimulates the excretion of urine, which is useful for kidney stones and sand and gout.

In peptic ulcer disease, inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract and liver, in severe heart disease it is not desirable to eat turnips and radishes.


Turnips are widely recommended by folk medicine. Its juice, mixed with equal parts honey or sugar, is a good antitussive, suitable for patients with bronchitis, inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, whooping cough, etc.

The juice is used for rubbing in radiculitis, neuritis, rheumatism, myositis - and again in combination with honey.

The juice and grated radish accelerate the healing of skin inflammations due to their strong antimicrobial properties. Black radish seeds are especially valuable.

Alone or in combination with carrots and lemon juice, turnips should enrich above all every winter and spring table.
