Experts: Be Sure To Peel The Peel Of Fruits And Vegetables

Experts: Be Sure To Peel The Peel Of Fruits And Vegetables
Experts: Be Sure To Peel The Peel Of Fruits And Vegetables

With the spring, more and more fresh vegetables begin to appear in supermarkets and markets. However, spring vegetables are often stuffed with nitrates, so consumers need to know how to properly consume them.

In this regard, employees of the Bulgarian Food Safety Agency began to inspect all fresh fruits and vegetables in stores, warehouses, exchanges and more. The main goal of the experts is to check for the presence of pesticides in cucumbers, lettuce, tomatoes and other greens, which tempts us from the stalls.

Experts warn consumers that they must wash fruits and vegetables thoroughly before placing them on their table. Particular care should be taken with peeled fruits and vegetables. Apples and citrus fruits must be peeled, as they contain more than eighty percent of pesticides.


The peels of fruits and vegetables should be cut deep, because in this way almost eighty percent of pesticides, if any, are removed, said Anton Velichkov for DariknewsBg.

However, the expert reminds that without pesticides modern agriculture cannot prosper. However, it is important that their quantity is reasonable and that consumers know how best to take plant products.

Diseases are a serious problem, which is why the use of pesticides and disease agents in modern agriculture is absolutely mandatory, said Eng. Velichkov.

He gave the example of manna, a potato disease that led to the expulsion of the Irish a long time ago. According to him, this disease cut the potato crops in Ireland and in just a few weeks managed to spoil almost all the production there.
