Tips And Tricks For Perfect Pancakes

Tips And Tricks For Perfect Pancakes
Tips And Tricks For Perfect Pancakes

There is hardly a child who does not like mom's pancakes. However, we often make some mistakes when making pancakes and they do not turn out as in culinary photographs. That is why we will give you here tricks and tips for perfect pancakes. With their help you will be unsurpassed masters in the kitchen!

Many people make the mistake of choosing a dish in which to prepare homemade pancakes. It is best to get a special pancake pan, but even if you do not have one, choose only a pan with a non-stick coating.

If you have found the right pan for making pancakes and its coating is really non-stick, then you do not need fat at all.

A common mistake is the excessive greasing of the pan, as a result of which the ready-made pancakes look like they have swam in fat. They are too heavy to eat and from an otherwise light breakfast they turn into a plentiful "stuffing", which is by no means good for health or figure.

The perfect pancakes are prepared, observing the following proportions - 2 eggs, 200 ml of water, 200 ml of fresh milk and as much flour as after mixing the pancake mixture to have a density similar to boza.

How to make the perfect pancakes
How to make the perfect pancakes

We can't tell you exactly how many pancakes will come from such a quantity, because it would depend on the size of the pan you use.

In case you want to prepare a lot of pancakes, then double the amount of products, but observing the same proportions. For example, add 4 ml of water and 400 ml of fresh milk and flour to 4 eggs until a sufficient density is obtained. We remind you - to look like a boza.

Some people add vanilla to this mixture and this is by no means a mistake, but it is needed if you eat pancakes with jam rather than salty pancakes.

An important rule of thumb is to take all the products you need out of the fridge before you start preparing the pancake mixture.

For the perfect pancake batter, the products must be at room temperature. Even after you are done with the dough, you can leave it for 10-15 minutes before you start making the pancakes themselves.


Last but not least, it is important not to splash during the preparation of the pancakes, because they must be turned over, and although this procedure does not require much dexterity (no one expects you to turn them in the air, if you difficult), it is important your attention in order not to burn them. Their ideal color should be golden.

Determine a plate in which to stack the finished pancakes. From the heat they will soften and become more tender and tastier.

These are ours basic tips and tricks for perfect pancakes. Follow them and you will have a fragrant and delicious breakfast.
