Add These Two Ingredients To The Dough And You Will Make The Perfect Pancakes

Add These Two Ingredients To The Dough And You Will Make The Perfect Pancakes
Add These Two Ingredients To The Dough And You Will Make The Perfect Pancakes

A group of American chemists have found that by adding only two ingredients to the standard pancake batter you will get the perfect breakfast. In addition to flour, milk and eggs you need to add lemon juice and butter.

Scientists also claim that the most common mistake of the hosts is to knead the dough for too long, because that way it becomes tough and the pancakes are not so appetizing.

Light and fluffy pancakes become such thanks to the Mayar effect. You will get this reaction by mixing a glass of fresh milk with a tablespoon of lemon juice and adding a little baking soda to them.

With this combination, gas bubbles will be released, which will lift the dough, and thanks to the brown color, the pancakes acquire the appetizing brownish color.

The Miyar effect is due to a reaction between the amino acids in proteins and sugars and it is because of it that the delicious smell is released during baking. It flows between 140 and 160 degrees Celsius and creates a bouquet of aromas and flavors.

However, its last stage takes place in an alkaline environment and therefore it is necessary to add baking soda to the pancake dough, writes the Daily Mail.

Perfect pancakes
Perfect pancakes

And to enhance the effect, add a little melted butter to the mixture. It will slow down the release of gluten, namely from gluten pancakes become tough.

As for the right amount of butter, scientists advise you to experiment according to your taste, but most of their recipes have shown that a quarter cup of butter fits with two cups of milk.
