Tamarind Lowers Bad Cholesterol

Tamarind Lowers Bad Cholesterol
Tamarind Lowers Bad Cholesterol

First time hearing about Tamarind? This is an Indian date, which is very useful and has bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, laxative effect.

Tamarind is a tropical evergreen tree reaching between 12 and 18 meters. Its pods are about 12 cm long and contain small seeds with a sour-sweet fleshy part. Tamarind is native to Asia and North America, but is most common in India. You can find it in some chain stores.

Tamarind is very useful in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and digestive problems. And Tamarind colors are very effective in lowering blood pressure.

The seeds of Tamarind contain expectorants - tartaric, citric and lactic, vitamin A. Roasted seeds can be used as an anthelmintic against flatworms. It contains many tannins, saponins and alkaloids.

This gift of nature reduces fever and relieves cough symptoms. Tamarind helps with asthma, arthritis and urinary disorders. It is most effective in bad cholesterol in the blood, reducing its level.

Tamarind is a tropical fruit that is used as food, spice and for the preparation of laxatives. It is ideal for people who follow diets, ideal for inclusion in weight loss regimens.

The pods must be unbroken without mold. It can be stored in the refrigerator for up to a month.

Tamarind is known in the kitchen, being used to season curry or canned fish, to make sweet syrup for drinks, to season Worcester sauce, in Italian mascarpone cream, in Indian cuisine and to season beans and lentils.

And did you know that in Asia it is used to make candies, drinks, fruit salads, soups and sweet and sour sauces. They consume it in the morning for breakfast, and in the summer they make it into a delicious drink of sugar, water and ice cubes.

In Indonesia, it was used for pouring fruit salads, seasoning for soups, tofu and french fries.
