Corn Oil Lowers Cholesterol

Corn Oil Lowers Cholesterol
Corn Oil Lowers Cholesterol

In recent years, more and more people are interested in proper nutrition, try to follow a healthy diet and try to be informed about the qualities and composition of the products they consume. One of the most discussed issues in this regard is cholesterol and ways to control its levels in the body through food intake.

Cholesterol is known to be present in all tissues. Its amount increases after frequent consumption of animal products. Its content is highest in egg yolk and liver.

Although cholesterol helps with metabolism, its high levels can lead to a number of health problems such as heart attacks, strokes and atherosclerosis. To save yourself these problems, you need to lower your cholesterol levels.

There are various ways to lower cholesterol, but until recently it was thought that one of the most effective is the consumption of olive oil. However, a new study shows that the perfect remedy against bad cholesterol is corn oil. The study was published early last week in the authoritative medical journal Clinical Lipidology.

The discovery was made by scientists at the American laboratory Biofortis. They found that consuming corn oil reduced cholesterol levels by 11 percent.

Corn Oil
Corn Oil

Olive oil, on the other hand, reduced levels by 3.5 percent. In general, corn oil lowers total cholesterol by more than 8 percent compared to about 2 percent for cold-pressed olive oil.

The scientists' claim is based on a study involving 54 men and women in perfect health. Half of them had to consume four tablespoons of corn oil a day, and the rest took the same amount of olive oil.

The study lasted a month, after which the researchers found that cholesterol levels in people who took corn oil were significantly lower.

The reason for this is the high content of plant sterols - substances that are most found in fruits, nuts, seeds, legumes and vegetable oils. Cold pressed olive oil contains 4 times less - 30 vs. 136 milligrams in corn oil.
