Four Recipes For Homemade Fruit Juices

Four Recipes For Homemade Fruit Juices
Four Recipes For Homemade Fruit Juices

We all like to drink fruit juices, but unfortunately the percentage of real fruit juices in stores is quite small at the expense of many flavor enhancers.

That is why it is good to know how to prepare delicious fruit juices at home and store them for the winter.

Apple juice

Necessary products: 3 kg of sweet apples, 2 kg of green tart apples, 500 g of sugar

Method of preparation: The apples must be well ripened, washed and cut into pieces, then squeezed with a fruit press or juicer. The squeezed juice is filtered if necessary and mixed with sugar.

Pour into bottles 5-6 cm below the top edge of the bottle. The bottles are hermetically sealed and sterilized for 10 minutes. Apple juice can also be preserved by heating to boiling and pouring hot into heated bottles. The bottles are sealed and turned upside down.

Strawberry juice

Strawberry juice
Strawberry juice

Necessary products: 5 kg of strawberries and 3 teaspoons of sugar

Method of preparation: Choose well-ripened and healthy strawberries. They are washed, cleaned of stalks and leaves. They are lightly crushed and squeezed through a press. Squeezed strawberry juice is sweetened with sugar and poured into glass bottles or jars, which are sealed and stored in a cool, dark place.

Quince juice

Necessary products: 5 kg of quinces, 2 kg of apples, 3 teaspoons of sugar

Method of preparation: Quince juice is extremely rich in taste and aroma. It can be prepared only from quinces, but apples enhance its taste. Well-ripened fruits are selected again. Squeeze the juice from the quinces and apples, add the sugar and pour in the same way into bottles, which are hermetically sealed and sterilized for 10 minutes just like apple juice.

Grape juice

Grape juice
Grape juice

Grape juice is prepared without the addition of additional sugar, as the grapes contain enough fruit sugar.

Choose grapes from dessert varieties, well ripened and healthy. Wash well, separate the grains and mash lightly by hand, go through the press again. The juice is bottled, again keeping a distance of 5-6 centimeters from the edge of the bottles, this time sterilized for 15 minutes. And he, like everyone else, is stored in a dark and cool place.
