Kelp - Help From The Sea For The Thyroid Gland

Kelp - Help From The Sea For The Thyroid Gland
Kelp - Help From The Sea For The Thyroid Gland

Kelp are wild brown seaweeds. They are also called fukuf. They can be found on the shores of the Baltic Sea, North America and the Strait of Gibraltar.

Brown algae is one of the most prized foods. They are rich in all the elements needed by the human body. They contain a balanced complex of vitamins A, B1, B2 and C, with the macro- and microelements selenium, iodine, manganese, potassium, calcium, copper, zinc, manganese and cobalt.

In addition, a yellow-brown pigment is found in their cells - fucoxanthin, to which they owe their characteristic color, as well as chlorophyll B and C. They also contain essential oils, alginic acid, fucoidan, laminarin and others.

One of the biggest benefits that kelp algae bring to the body is mainly in the endocrine system. They successfully fight against diseases of the thyroid gland.

This property is due to their high levels of iodine (especially diiodotyrosine), as well as selenium, necessary for the functioning of deiodinase. Kelp optimizes thyroid function. In addition, they repeatedly improve the metabolic processes in the body.

Brown algae are successfully used to reduce cholesterol and normalize the microflora. They prevent the deposition of lipids in the vessel walls.

Brown Algae
Brown Algae

Their consumption enriches the food with all the necessary ingredients. Therefore, it is used in malnutrition. In addition, they remove from the body all toxic accumulations - not only from the body but also from the brain.

Kelp algae regulate metabolism and are applicable in nutrition. They help to lose weight by regulating appetite.

They are used for the prophylactic treatment of all eye diseases and retinal injuries. Recommended for bone and joint diseases in children. In addition, they have been shown to calm the nervous system and strengthen the brain.

As it turned out, kelp algae improves overall health. However, they should not be consumed in some cases: during pregnancy and lactation, as well as by those suffering from increased thyroid function and heart problems.

Overdoses can lead to increased heart rate and increased blood pressure.
