Foods That Can Damage The Thyroid Gland

Foods That Can Damage The Thyroid Gland
Foods That Can Damage The Thyroid Gland

One of the most important but also the most susceptible organs to injury is the thyroid gland. Its functioning could be disrupted even by consuming certain foods. Here are 6 foods harmful to the thyroid gland.

If you have thyroid problems, be careful with the consumption of:

1. Sugar - Limit sugary foods, because when the thyroid gland is dysfunctional, there is a greater chance of triggering diabetes. As we know, sugar is the number one factor for this.

2. Gluten - Doctors' studies have shown that patients with a thyroid problem who have limited their gluten consumption show an improvement in their condition. Therefore, medicine recommends, in the presence of such, to switch to a gluten-free diet.

soy products impair thyroid function
soy products impair thyroid function

3. Soy - and all its varieties, such as soy milk, soy sauce, etc. According to medical research, soy products stop the absorption of hormones used to treat thyroid problems.

4. Cabbage - as well as other green useful vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, etc.. Unfortunately, their consumption should be limited if you have thyroid problems for the same reason - because of iodine and the danger of the presence of excessive amount of it in the body. For reassurance - you can eat ordinary cabbage, if it has undergone some heat treatment.

5. Fish - and in particular swordfish, tuna and mackerel. These species have a large amount of mercury, which has similar properties to iodine, so it would cause problems if you suffer from thyroid disease. Excessive consumption of mercury increases the risk of developing serious autoimmune problems.

swordfish damage the thyroid gland
swordfish damage the thyroid gland

6. Algae - if you prefer plant products and in particular the different types of algae, you should know that they are known for their iodine content. For some thyroid problems the consumption of seafood and iodine products in its composition is prohibited, as the element could cause problems, especially if taken in large quantities.
