Selenium And The Thyroid Gland

Selenium And The Thyroid Gland
Selenium And The Thyroid Gland

Along with iodine, selenium is an important micromineral for maintaining the proper functioning of the thyroid gland. It is essential for her because it regulates the production of hormones in the thyroid gland and is mainly responsible for the hormone T3, which is very important for her.

Studies have been done that unequivocally prove the positive effect that selenium has on reducing the risk and problems with the thyroid gland, pregnancy and fertility problems, heart disease and the progression of HIV and AIDS. According to studies, diet and geographical location can affect the amount of selenium we consume.

It is a major micromineral found in the soil, with ordinary crops absorbing limited amounts of it. Intake of the required amounts of selenium from the body leads to increased metabolism of thyroid hormones, improve fertility, helps fight cancer cells, and reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease and arthritis.

Thousands of women who have thyroid problems have been tested and all have been put under a common denominator, and their normal selenium levels have been found to be extremely low. Selenium has been shown to play a key role in viral infections, especially the AIDS virus, with patients with low levels of selenium more likely to die from the virus than those with normal levels.

As for the thyroid gland, selenium is a component of the enzyme that helps convert T3 and T4 hormones to peripheral organs, so a deficiency can lead to malfunction.

It turns out that selenium is a very important nutrient that is not produced in the human body, but it must get it from the outside, along with food intake.

So when our body is deficient in selenium, the first thing that happens in it is a weakening of the immune system, which is the main culprit for thyroid problems.

The thyroid gland is a small detail of our body. This gland produces hormones that affect every process in the body, every system and every function in it.

Thyroid disease can lead to a sudden increase or decrease in weight, hair loss, constipation, drowsiness and very low energy levels, swelling and skin problems, as this is only a small part of a long list.

You really can't live a normal life if you have thyroid disease. Therefore, the first step to prevent this serious problem is to make sure you are getting enough selenium.

Brazil nuts are the most concentrated source of selenium. Under ideal soil conditions, young mushrooms, shiitake mushrooms, cod, shrimp, tuna, flounder, beef liver and salmon are excellent sources of selenium.

A very good source of selenium are chicken eggs, lamb, barley, sunflower, mustard seeds and oats.

If you think you have thyroid disease or selenium deficiency, consult a specialist before taking any action!
