Dill Contains More Vitamin C Than Lemon

Dill Contains More Vitamin C Than Lemon
Dill Contains More Vitamin C Than Lemon

Dill is one of the favorite spices for summer salads. It was grown in antiquity in the Mediterranean countries. In Greece it is used for medicine, in Rome - for decorating the premises and for flavoring.

The seeds and green part of fennel contain many vitamins - PP, C, carotene, B vitamins, as well as iron, potassium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus. Vitamin C in dill is three times more than in lemon.

Dill has a number of healing properties - reduces fever, has diuretic properties, anti-inflammatory, sedative and bactericidal properties.

Dill increases the flow of milk during breastfeeding. It is also useful for nausea, has a vasodilating and analgesic effect. Decoction of fennel or its seeds dilates blood vessels, lowers blood pressure, relaxes the smooth muscles of the intestine.

To make a decoction of fennel seeds, pour two teaspoons of fennel seeds or four teaspoons of green fennel with two teaspoons of hot water, leave for fifteen minutes and strain.

Dill contains more vitamin C than lemon
Dill contains more vitamin C than lemon

Decoction of fennel seeds is given to babies with colic, children with pain caused by bloating. Decoction of fennel leaves or seeds is drunk for hypertension, angina, liver and spleen diseases, kidney disease, allergies, insomnia, headache, nervous excitability, bloating, constipation.

The decoction of the seeds is drunk warm for headaches, coughs and stomach aches, as well as allergies. Cold decoction of fennel is used to treat eye inflammation.

A warm decoction of fennel seeds in cream, heated on low heat for an hour, is recommended for nursing mothers to increase milk.

To eliminate itching from insect bites, the skin is smeared with fresh fennel juice and a compress is made from mashed fennel leaves. Dill is not recommended during pregnancy.

During heat treatment, dill loses its aroma, so chopped dill is added to ready-made dishes. With the flowers of dill, vinegar is flavored and acquires a wonderful aroma.
