Why Is The Pumpkin The Main Character Of Halloween?

Why Is The Pumpkin The Main Character Of Halloween?
Why Is The Pumpkin The Main Character Of Halloween?

Halloween is a holiday with deep roots. Its traditions can be traced back thousands of years. Today, this holiday is a mixture of Celtic New Year's customs, the Roman celebration of the goddess of fruit Pomona and the Christian day of All Saints.

The Celts celebrated the New Year on the first of November, when, according to them, the time of the sun ended and the time of cold and darkness began. On October 31, after the harvest was harvested and stored for the cold winter months, the fires in each house went out.

The Druids gathered in a medieval oak forest on a hill, lit a fire and danced around it. In the morning, they carried the fire to each house with a torch, and the inhabitants lit their fires again. It was believed that fire protected the home from evil spirits and was sacred. The coming of the new year was met with holidays lasting three days and beginning on November 1.

To ward off evil spirits, the Celts hired skins from animals they had killed, and carved pumpkins for lanterns.

In the first century AD. the Romans conquered Britain. Then they carried many of their customs and beliefs to the Celtic lands. One of these customs was the feast of the goddess Pomona, which was celebrated on November 1. Over time, the two holidays merged into one.

The rapidly spreading Christianity also had an influence. In 835, November 1 was declared All Hallows' Day by the Roman Church.


Years later, November 2 was declared a holy day by the church, a day to honor the memory of all the dead. On this day, fires were lit, people disguised as saints, angels and demons. Thus, Christian holidays were combined with local Celtic beliefs.

The heirs of the Celts continued to celebrate the New Year and Pomona Day on October 31. This holiday was called All Hallows' Eve or translated - the eve of All Saints. Hence the name of this holiday, Halloween.

Modern Halloween is a mixture of elements from all the old customs. It is characterized by jelly apples previously associated with Pomona, carved pumpkin lanterns from the Celtic New Year and spirits associated with the day of the dead. Nowadays, it brings more joy to children who walk around and have fun carrying their pumpkin lanterns.

In our country more and more young people disguise themselves, gather together and have fun on the holiday, and in every home there is at least one pumpkin for Halloween as a decoration or lantern.
