How To Eat These 14 Foods Properly?

How To Eat These 14 Foods Properly?
How To Eat These 14 Foods Properly?

In order to make a good impression, not only good looks are important, but also proper nutrition - how to eat properlyso as not to spoil the impression of others on us. In the following lines you can see how to eat food properly.

1. Soup

Soup is undoubtedly one of our favorite foods, but we don't like it when someone sips the soup against us, right?

Take a sufficient amount of soup and drink quietly, with your lips closed and silent. In case your soup is in a glass - touch your lips lightly and drink carefully.

2. Ribs

Undoubtedly, you can enjoy the ribs by eating them with your hands. Just keep to the side and bite carefully, taking care not to get dirty.

3. Shrimp


When eating shrimp, you can use a knife to cut them into small pieces. Remember that you should not dip the shrimp in the sauce more than once - this is a sign of rudeness when eating.

4. Artichoke

When eating artichokes, use your fingers to make it more comfortable to melt in the sauce, and you can also gently break off with your fingers.

5. Pizza

Pizza is most delicious when eaten in the New York style, ie. with hands. If you are flavoring your slice with ketchup pizza, for example, just fold it in half.

6. Eclairs

Eclairs should be eaten with a knife and fork, cutting carefully so as not to spill the filling everywhere.

7. Bacon


Do not force yourself to use utensils when eating bacon. It is most delicious when eaten with your fingers.

8. Boiled eggs

Peel a squash, grate it and squeeze the juice. They can be eaten by simply cutting and salting, as well as turning into a delicious salad. It is advisable to use a fork, but in some countries a spoon is used, especially when served in an egg cup.

9. Tartlets

Enjoy as you like.

10. Chinese food

Use the sticks - it's not as complicated as it seems, and the pleasure is double.

11. Sushi


It is recommended not to use sticks, but fingers to touch the maximum pleasure of food. Melt in soy sauce. Ginger is eaten between bites of sushi, not the end.

12. Peas

Peas are easiest to take with a spoon, but in salads, for example, the use of a fork is mandatory. Use a fork, using your knife to "bring" a few peas.

13. Burger

The pleasure is maximum when you hold it with your hands. But if it is large, you can cut it with a knife.

14. Berries

Use your fingers to eat the whole strawberries and remove the stem at the last bite. If the strawberries are sliced or part of a salad - use a fork and dip them in cream or chocolate for ultimate enjoyment.
