How To Cook Juicy Meatballs?

How To Cook Juicy Meatballs?
How To Cook Juicy Meatballs?

Sometimes we just want to to prepare the good old meatballs with mashed potatoes, because the heart needs warm homemade food, which is associated with childhood and comfort.

That's why we need to take the minced meat out of the freezer in the morning, so that we can make our family happy with a portion for dinner. juicy homemade meatballs.

But how to make meatballs as delicious as grandma's?

Five effective and golden tips, thanks to which your meatballs will definitely turn out juicy!

Add the onions

Juicy meatballs
Juicy meatballs

In addition to the minced meat, other ingredients are added: eggs to maintain the shape of the meatballs, garlic to taste and onions for juiciness. Do not neglect this vegetable, one head will be enough for 500 g of minced meat. It can be used both raw and fried.

Don't feel sorry for the fat

We all know that vegetable oil should be dosed, especially if we fry in it. This is good for the figure and for digestion. But in the case of meatballs we must act differently. To get a crispy and slightly moist crust, be sure to pour a little oil (1-2 tablespoons), for juicy meatballs this is necessary!

Stick to a strong fire

The first 2 minutes meatballs they should be fried on high heat, then they should be turned and fried for another two minutes on the other side. Then, cover the pan with a lid, reduce the heat and fry until soft on both sides. This way you can bake the meatballs in the oven, but first go through this method (for two minutes on high heat) and then you will get an appetizing crust that will prevent the juice from leaking.

How to cook juicy meatballs?
How to cook juicy meatballs?

Experiment with butter or cheese

To add a delicate flavor to minced meat, mix with a small piece of softened butter and distribute it evenly. You can also add grated cheese to the minced meat. Use only hard varieties, they do not melt as fast at high temperatures.

Use a greasy minced meat

For example, if you want to cook chicken meatballs, use the meat on the thighs. And chicken breasts are good to just fry them separately. If you want a slightly more dietary product, mix the minced meat with them.
