How To Make Juicy Meatballs - A Guide For Beginners

How To Make Juicy Meatballs - A Guide For Beginners
How To Make Juicy Meatballs - A Guide For Beginners

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Do you like meat? Did you know that meatballs are a popular dish known around the world? The word meatball, which we still use today, comes from the Persian word kūfta and means grind. Meatballs are also part of Turkish, Greek, French, German and Italian cuisine.

In Bulgaria, meatballs are present at the table of every family. The traditional recipe for juicy meatballs includes minced meat, onions and spices. They are usually made from pork or beef. Their shape can be round or flat. They are most often prepared by frying, grilling or in an oven tray.

These delicious meat products are most often garnished with lyutenitsa, french fries or salad. They can also be consumed with sauce or in the form of stew. The soup with miniature meatballs is called Soup balls.

No experience in the kitchen? Have you never made meatballs before? Have you come across countless recipes that seem too complicated?

That is why in this article we will teach you exactly how to make juicy homemade meatballs. Experiment today with this easy recipe. Don't waste any more time, roll up your sleeves!

The sweetness of these juicy meatballs will stay in your mind for a long time. Let your loved ones enjoy their unique taste and aroma.

Necessary products: 500 g minced meat, 1 egg, 2 onions, 1 kg fresh tomatoes, 1 clove garlic, 10 tbsp. flour, ¼ tsp. oil, 5 tbsp. breadcrumbs, 1 tbsp. sugar, oregano and cumin, salt and pepper

Meatballs with sauce
Meatballs with sauce

Method of preparation:

1. In a large bowl, place the minced meat, breadcrumbs and egg. Add oregano, cumin, salt and pepper to taste. Knead the minced meat well and form the meatballs from it, which are rolled in the flour.

2. Pour the oil into a saucepan and add the pre-chopped garlic, grated tomatoes, 2 onions, sugar and a little water. Boil on low heat for 5 minutes. Then put the meatballs inside.

3. Start stirring the dish lightly and as soon as it thickens, salt it and remove from the heat.

Ready juicy meatballs garnish with rice, mashed potatoes or pasta.

