Grandma's Little Secrets In Cooking Easter Eggs

Grandma's Little Secrets In Cooking Easter Eggs
Grandma's Little Secrets In Cooking Easter Eggs

The first egg laid in the canopy on Easter day is painted red and a cross is made on the foreheads of the children and other family members with it.

This egg is boiled and painted separately from the others. It replaces last year's egg, placed in front of the icon of the Mother of God in our home, to bring us health, joy and happiness to all its inhabitants.

And here are the rules and secrets for proper and successful painting of our Easter eggs, which were bequeathed to us by our grandmothers.

1. Choose healthy and clean eggs;

2. To achieve lighter color tones, choose white eggs, for more saturated colors - dark eggs;

3. The eggs must have remained at room temperature for at least 3 hours;

Easter eggs
Easter eggs

4. Wash and dry the eggs, clean them one by one with a soft cloth soaked in vinegar;

5. Prepare a wide pot, at the bottom of which put a cotton towel and arrange the eggs in a row next to each other;

6. Pour tap water into the pot two fingers above the eggs;

7. Sprinkle 2-3 tbsp. salt (boiled eggs with salt are easier to peel), place a metal spoon horizontally over them (the metal absorbs excess heat), and so your eggs do not crack;


8. Boil the eggs over low heat for longer - 10-12 minutes;

9. Remove the boiled eggs from the pan with a slotted spoon one by one, place in the paint in which you will paint the egg, prepared according to the instructions on the package;

10. Arrange the painted eggs on a lined kitchen paper at a distance from each other until dry;


Photo: Maria Simova

11. Gloss one by one with a soft cloth soaked in oil;

12. Arrange the painted eggs in your Easter decorative basket;

13. Store eggs in a cool place until Easter.

Happy Christian holiday!
