Choose Pizza Over Cereal For Breakfast! It Is Healthier

Choose Pizza Over Cereal For Breakfast! It Is Healthier
Choose Pizza Over Cereal For Breakfast! It Is Healthier

If you believe that you are eating healthier, starting your day with a bowl of cereal, then you are living in delusion. A slice of pizza is much healthier for breakfast, expert Chelsea Amer told the Daily Meal.

She claims in one piece pizza contains almost the same amount of calories as in cereal, but on the other hand the level of sugar in the pizza is much lower.

So as long as you don't overdo the pizza, and if you can afford just one slice for breakfast, you will live a healthier life than if you constantly eat cereals.

A slice of pizza contains more protein that will keep you full, and it is tastier than cereals, which will lift your mood at the beginning of the day, says Amer.

Some cereals are quite high in sugar and instead of being useful, they are harmful. Pizza, on the other hand, is balanced in terms of protein, fat, carbohydrates and vitamins coming from the vegetables on the dough.

Pizza is the favorite food of Americans, but few of them accept the idea to start their day with it.

The notion that if you eat pizza at 10 a.m. or suffer from a hangover, or are depressed, is completely wrong, says Chelsea Amer. If you limit the amount to one slice per day, pizza can be a very healthy food.
