Maintaining Weight After A Diet

Maintaining Weight After A Diet
Maintaining Weight After A Diet

You have already achieved your goal. The result of your diet is there. But how to enjoy this achievement of yours for longer? According to experts, sometimes maintaining weight after a diet can be much more difficult than losing weight.

The truth is that if you want to maintain your weight, you can never return to your usual diet as before starting your diet. You will need to continue to plan what to eat, although not as strictly as during the diet.

Exercise is a must if you really want to keep your weight intact. Experts recommend a minimum of 30 minutes of targeted physical activity per day. Exercise will not only help you maintain your weight, but will be very useful for your body, which will again have to burn calories.

The other important thing to know is that when you return to your normal diet, it should be done gradually. It is recommended to increase your calorie intake gradually by about 80-100 calories every 7 days. In this way you give your body time to get into rhythm. As a rule, you should start with the consumption of lighter foods and gradually move to those that have a higher caloric value. Measure your weight at the end of each week, and if you have gained a lot of weight after another calorie increase, it means that your ideal calorie intake for weight maintenance is that of the previous week. For that, go back to it.

Your brain knows exactly how many fat cells you have, and when they decrease, it tries to respond to it in some way to get them back. One way is to slow down your metabolism and thus make your body accumulate fat again. Another way is by making you think often about eating and increase your appetite. No matter how your brain reacts, it is important to remember that it also needs time.

The other thing that is essential is breakfast. That's why have breakfast! It has been proven that people who eat breakfast regularly have a faster metabolism. If you miss a meal, then make sure it's not breakfast. You are much more likely to overeat during the day if you missed your breakfast.

And last but not least, stay motivated. Just because you've lost weight doesn't mean you shouldn't try to keep it off.
