To Keep The Weight Off After A Diet

To Keep The Weight Off After A Diet
To Keep The Weight Off After A Diet

If your diet has worked successfully and you have lost the desired weight, the question arises how to maintain the effect of it.

According to Tracy Mann, author of a 2007 study published in the American Journal of Psychology, between one and two-thirds of people who follow a diet plan regain weight from before and even gain new ones. The bottom line is that once you reach your desired weight, special treatment and care for your figure should not end.

You need to move on to the next phase of a healthy lifestyle, called the "maintenance phase". Pay attention to these easy steps, from which you will learn how to add only enough calories for your body per day without gaining weight.

1. Wait at least two weeks after reaching the weight you want before adjusting your calorie level. Use this period to find out how your body is feeling, especially if you have been on a long-lasting diet.

You may still lose weight because you get used to a new course of more intense exercise. Keep a weight diary and weigh yourself every day. Keep track of how many calories you are able to consume so that you know whether or not you are increasing their intake. A 2007 study by Megan B. of Drexel University and published in the journal Obsity examined its long-term success in maintaining a certain weight. She and her colleagues found that participants who stopped gaining weight after completing their diet often gained weight.

To keep the weight off after a diet
To keep the weight off after a diet

2. Add 100 calories to your daily menu in the third week after completing your diet plan. Focus on choosing healthy foods like an apple and eating more of your favorite cheese, for example. One hundred calories does not correspond to the intake of many foods, so watch and read the labels of various products to make sure that you do not drastically increase your intake, especially fat.

Eat an extra slice of bread for dinner or five cookies for dessert at lunch. Keep pulling. The principle is simple: if you take in more calories and energy through them, which you can not use in physical movements, you gain extra pounds.

3. Proceed to the fourth week, reviewing the daily schedule of your weight over the past period. If you have continued to lose a little less weight, you can be sure that you are close to finding the point of balance. If you have maintained the same weight during the three weeks, then do not add more calories for now.

However, if you have lost some weight, you can afford another 100 calories in the daily menu, while continuing to be physically active, as throughout the period. Eat a muesli snack, a few chocolate chip cookies or an extra snack for an afternoon snack.

4. Continue to monitor your weight for a month after you finish the diet. To avoid the problem of regaining the lost weight during this period, try to strictly monitor food intake. After each diet you need to learn to follow a new diet and have a different attitude to maintaining the desired figure. It requires a change in the way of thinking and maintaining good physical activity.

To keep the weight off after a diet
To keep the weight off after a diet

If you have it, you can gradually increase the calories you take in and watch how it is perceived by your body. Dr. David A. Kessler, author of The End of Overeating, concludes by saying, “… You need to take control of your emotions and thoughts to properly understand the need to eat to stay healthy. weight always”.

5. Adjust your calorie intake in the weeks and months following a successful diet, based on tracking your weight and level of physical activity. If you start exercising more, you can slightly increase your calorie intake.

If you weigh about 70 kg. and if you spend 30 minutes, you will burn about 90 calories, for example. Add between 50 to 90 calories a day and monitor your weight for signs of stability. Reduce them again if you stop exercising or have drastically changed your daily physical activity.
