Three Of The Most Effective Diets For Weight Loss And Good Health

Three Of The Most Effective Diets For Weight Loss And Good Health
Three Of The Most Effective Diets For Weight Loss And Good Health

The winter has passed imperceptibly, we are slowly throwing away the thick clothes and oh … horror, we have imperceptibly gained another kilogram. And here comes summer, the season of bare shoulders, short skirts, pants and swimsuits. We urgently need to lose weight fast.

In the fight against excess weight, in addition to training and exercise, diet also plays an important role. But which regimen or diet will be most effective? In the Internet we can find new and new. See who they are the three most effective diets for weight loss:

1. Mediterranean diet

The Mediterranean diet (also called the Cretan diet) is more of a diet than a diet. It does not rely on strict restrictions, but rather encourages you to enjoy food and life! The caloric index of fat in it is quite high, but it is almost entirely due to olive oil. It is not intended for fast weight loss, but recommends the consumption of healthy products, which do not contain animal fats, zaxap and contraceptives.

2. Flexitarian diet

healthy cooking and diet for weight loss
healthy cooking and diet for weight loss

This is a regime created on the basis of vegetarianism. The flexitarian diet includes the consumption of mainly plant foods and less meat.

With this diet you can lose about 15-20 pounds in 6-12 months. It aims to make people eat less meat and encourages them to eat fresh, natural and seasonal foods. However, it requires constant monitoring of levels of iron, vitamin B12 and omega-3 fatty acids.

2. DASH diet

This acronym comes from the Dietary Approach to Hypertension Management, as the DASH diet was originally aimed at people who needed a reduction in blood pressure and blood fats. It is considered a universal, well-balanced and quite varied diet. It consists of 2 phases.

Phase 1 lasts 14 days. It aims to reduce carbohydrate intake. This changes the metabolism as insulin production decreases. During this period you should not eat fruits and pastries, but mainly low-fat meat, lots of vegetables. During phase 2, whole grains, fruits and potatoes can be included in the menu.
