Forbidden Rice Slows Down Aging

Forbidden Rice Slows Down Aging
Forbidden Rice Slows Down Aging

Chinese cuisine has long entered people's homes. It is liked and loved by cultures very far from Asia. But how familiar are we with its ingredients and their properties?

Everyone has heard of the Forbidden City, where the Chinese emperor lived with his entourage, but few people are aware of the fact that there were some types of food that were not available to the common people.

Black rice dishes were very popular in ancient China. Now this crop is unjustifiably forgotten, and black rice can save us from many diseases and even slow down the aging process.

Scientists who came up with these discoveries called it a superfood. According to experts at the University of Louisiana, this cereal has a low sugar content and many useful plant fibers and compounds.

Researchers believe that black rice can prevent cancer and cardiovascular problems. Scientists have studied samples of black rice grown in America and found a large amount of antioxidants in it.

Forbidden rice slows down aging
Forbidden rice slows down aging

Thanks to these large amounts of antioxidants, rice is so dark in color. They can absorb harmful molecules in the body, prevent DNA damage, which means that they can slow down the aging of the human body.

A spoonful of black rice is more useful than a spoonful of mulberry. The sugar content is low and there is much more cellulose and vitamin E than in mulberry.

It is no coincidence that in ancient China, black rice was also called "forbidden." This useful product was only available to privileged classes.

Now in Asia, it is added to dishes, using it more with decoration features to blacken soup or desserts. That rice can be used as a natural colorant, say American scientists.
