Bitter Beer Is The Most Useful

Bitter Beer Is The Most Useful
Bitter Beer Is The Most Useful

Good news for sparkling drink lovers. It turns out that beer is not only tasty and especially suitable during the summer heat, but also useful. According to Professor Bozhidar Popov, who is chairman of the Bulgarian Society of Nutrition and Dietetics, beer is at least as useful as wine.

But even among beers there are species whose qualities are superior to those of others. According to experts, the most useful types of beer are bitter.

We offer several types of bitter beer, which can generally be characterized as light in color and clear. They are produced according to the so-called classic Pilsner type technology. They are made by the method of bottom fermenting yeast.

There are also beers produced by the method of fermentation (wheat) yeast, which are cloudy, with a pronounced fruity taste, which ferment at higher temperatures, but they are, as another beer says.

In the past, Pilsen-type beers were aged all winter, hence their name - aged beers. The bitterness of beers depends mainly on the dosage of hops.

It is with hop bitter acids that the usefulness of light beers is associated. The hop plant has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and even anti-cancer properties that have been known for centuries.

The useful properties of beer are also evidenced by the fact that in breweries no one suffers from tuberculosis, because the tubercle bacillus does not grow in such an environment.

According to Professor Popov, with equal alcohol content, bitter beers are richer in antioxidants, which, as we know, neutralize free radicals and stop oxidative processes in cells. This is crucial for health because oxidative stress damages cells and thus triggers many diseases.


The bitter taste of beers is also characterized by a certain astringency, which is due to the combination of antioxidant polyphenols from hops and malt, which are naturally contained in the drink.

Experts are adamant that the most useful are the so-called live bitter beers, which are gaining more and more popularity in our country.

In fact, until about 150 years ago, all the beers that people produced were alive. Today, very little such beer is produced worldwide, which is mainly due to its rather short shelf life.

Live beer is extremely rich in active yeast, which acts as antioxidants. It is also rich in proteins and B vitamins, as well as dozens of bioactive substances useful for health.
