What Does Native Beer Contain And How To Recognize Quality Beer

What Does Native Beer Contain And How To Recognize Quality Beer
What Does Native Beer Contain And How To Recognize Quality Beer

Although Bulgaria is not the leading country in drinking beer in the world, when the summer heat comes, there is no more popular drink in our country. However, what the native beer contains and how to distinguish the quality from the low-quality, reveals the section Read the label of bTV.

In Germany, the content of beer is determined by law - barley malt, hops, water and brewer's yeast. The law has existed since 1516 and is observed by the entire industry to this day.

We also have a standard for beer, according to which 40% of malt and 20% of hops are from Bulgaria. But the 1981 state standard also allowed their replacement with cornmeal.

Corn semolina is the best substitute for hops, says Professor Yovcho Kabzev, a specialist in beer technology.


According to him, quality beer is recognizable by the foam - it should be at least 3 centimeters and last for 3 to 5 minutes. If the beer has a weak foam, it means that a large amount of unmalted barley is put in it.

According to experts, there is no reason to claim that domestic beer is of lower quality than that produced abroad. Tests by independent laboratories show that these are just myths.

Bulgarian producers are often accused of stabilizing their beer with alcohol to make it more durable. The executive director of the Union of Brewers Ivana Radomirova explains that the producers use only a pasteurizer, which extends the shelf life to 9 months.


More and more large concerns are returning to the history and technologies of the company, when more delicious beer was produced, Radomirova added.
