The Aroma Of Olive Oil Helps Us Lose Weight

The Aroma Of Olive Oil Helps Us Lose Weight
The Aroma Of Olive Oil Helps Us Lose Weight

The eternal question of women - how to lose weight, already excites most men. It has become a constant topic and maybe that's why new diets and all sorts of crazy regimes are constantly appearing with the sole purpose of losing a few pounds.

A major problem with obese people is that they can't stop eating - they don't have a satiety limit. According to scientists, there is a product that we often use in the kitchen and which can help us fight constant hunger.

Aroma of olive oil
Aroma of olive oil

Research proves that the aroma of olive oil helps us feel full for longer during the day. The results of this study are published on a British website.

It turns out that olive oil is anything but harmful to our figure, on the contrary. And this product ranks next to the others that help us maintain our weight and eat properly with a small amount of food.

The study was conducted by a group of specialists in Vienna and Munich. A number of volunteers were gathered to participate, and they were required to eat 500 grams of yogurt each morning. People are divided into two groups - one of them ate only milk in the morning, and the other group mixed it with a little olive oil.

Benefits of olive oil
Benefits of olive oil

It was found that those of the volunteers who put and olive oil in your milk, eat 200 calories less per day. The reason is again that olive oil leaves a feeling of satiety.

Its aromatic compounds manage to create a feeling of satiety and thus consume fewer calories per day. In addition, olive oil speeds up metabolism, scientists say.

Various blood tests have been performed, which show that thanks to olive oil, the hormone of happiness in the human body rises. Serotonin (the hormone of happiness), in turn, helped people to be satisfied with less food.

Scientists believe that thanks to the results of this study will be able to create different types of products that will help regulate weight in a similar way to olive oil.
